Republican tinkering won't work
If you don’t know where you’re
going, any road will take you there. That’s the most generous face
I can put on the current state of the Republican Party nationally.
Its nominees for president were
trounced in 2008 and 2012. In 2010 and 2012, the GOP nominated more
than a half-dozen certain losers for Senate seats they could have
otherwise won to give them control of the Senate. Last year, the
Republicans saw their majority in the House of Representatives
narrowed to only 17 votes.
In 2008, no Republican could have
been elected president. President George W. Bush’s invasion of
Iraq, profligate spending by Bush and his Republican allies on the
Hill, and the beginning of the economic meltdown in 2008 sealed the
deal for the GOP.
But 2012 was a different story.
President Barack Obama’s re-election was not inevitable. He was
vulnerable. Yet he defeated Mitt Romney handily — by 5 million
votes, while crushing him in the Electoral College. Hiding in plain
sight in the rubble of Romney’s defeat are the lessons the GOP
needs to learn, and learn quickly, or it will have traded in its
elephant for a dinosaur.
A quick look at the rogues’
gallery of the Republicans who sought the nomination last year is an
insightful point of departure. Think about the folks Romney struggled
to dispatch through the course of the primaries. Have you given
thought to how disastrously Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul,
Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann or Herman Cain would have fared against
Obama? It takes less than a nanosecond to know with certainty that
all of them would have lost to the president more convincingly than
did Romney. They were a collective joke!
Only the delusional or the
doctrinally cocooned can escape the reality that the party is in a
death spiral that it has yet to figure out how to reverse. Last
month, Jim Worth blogged on the Huffington Post, “The Republican
Party lacks a soul.” He believes the GOP is “weak and vulnerable
to the forces of democracy — the forces of demography.”
In The Washington Post recently,
columnist Michael Gerson, a former speechwriter for President George
W. Bush, stated, “At the national level, Republicans have a winning
message for a nation that no longer exists.” Gerson correctly
concludes that the GOP “will need to do more than rebrand existing
policy approaches or translate them into Spanish.”
Let’s be crystal clear about what
this means. If the GOP thinks it can reclaim its ability to govern
the nation by simply voting for an immigration reform bill in
Congress later this year or nominating a Hispanic for president in
2016, it will remain in the electoral wilderness. Gimmickry like that
won’t work. It will be perceived for what it is: a sleight of hand
that it falsely presumes voters will buy. They won’t, because they
are smart enough to know when they are being patronized.
Worth sums up the desperation of
the GOP without mincing words. He wrote, “Trying to renew their
tired and insipid ideas, hoping that somehow they’ll become more
palatable if repackaged and restated, is not the answer. Vacuous
ideologies lack the substance needed to become a party that can be
embraced by more than the old white people that currently make up the
party’s base. Republicans defy the morality their religious bent
would imply. They continually batter those they claim to support —
the poor, our children, the elderly, veterans, the homeless and the
“Morning Joe” Scarborough
addressed the descent of the GOP into oblivion recently by saying,
“What conservatives must do instead is to dare to think
differently, apply eternal truths to current realities. ... Two
decades of losing should be evidence enough that simply talking to
ourselves is not a winning strategy.”
The pathway out of this mess has
been illuminated in a recent commentary by Gerson and Peter Wehner.
Gerson was named by Time as one of the 25 most influential
evangelicals in America. Wehner, a senior fellow at the Ethics and
Public Policy Center, served in the past three Republican
They believe the GOP needs to take
five steps to reclaim its mandate to govern. First, it must focus on
the middle and working class in America rather than being perceived
as the handmaiden of millionaires and billionaires. Second, they
believe the GOP must welcome rising immigrant groups. Third, they
argue that the Republican Party needs to return to a commitment to
the common good as contrasted to a worldview that is
“hyper-individualistic.” Fourth, they urge the party to engage
social issues in a manner that is aspirational rather than
alienating. And fifth, they urge the GOP to harness its policy views
to the findings of science.
Unlike those in the GOP who are
foolhardy enough to believe tinkering will lead the party back to
prominence, Gerson and Wehner have got it right. Next Sunday, my
column will take their suggestions and link them to the thinking of
economist and Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz in a way that puts the
GOP back onto the field of play.
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