Much of my writing over the past
several years has focused on the paralysis of the federal government
and the extent to which it contributes significantly to the nation's
mounting problems. I've argued that both political parties are guilty
as sin for the mess we're in because Democratic and Republican
officeholders have figured out how to game the system so that it
keeps them in office as they avoid grappling with the nation's
But make no mistake about it, you
and I are responsible for re-electing these self-possessed bozos. And
the grip that the right- and left-wing nuts have on the Republican
and Democratic parties contributes mightily to that sorry state of
This is why last fall I joined with
Times-News columnist Mike Tower to form Citizens Against Politics As
Usual, CAPAU. At that time, I changed my party registration from
Republican to unaffiliated. I had been a registered Republican for
many years. And before that I had been a registered Democrat for many
CAPAU ( is working hard
to convince voters that it's vital for them to defeat all incumbents
in order to begin to break the logjam in Washington that imperils our
economy, our way of life and our freedom as Americans.
In early March, I was invited to be
one of a panel of three questioners at a debate at Brevard College on
March 26 that brought together all but one of the Republicans seeking
the nomination for the 11th Congressional District of North Carolina.
Well into the debate, I asked the following question: Are you willing
to denounce Rush Limbaugh's statements about Georgetown law student
Sandra Fluke, wherein he called her a slut, a prostitute, a
femi-nazi, and called upon her to record her sexual encounters and
post them on the internet?
The relevance of the question goes
to the steep decline in the support of women voters for Republicans
since Limbaugh's comments, which also was the subject of my column of
March 18.
The GOP candidates who responded to
that question did so with thoughtful and measured comments. But
several members of the audience in the Porter Center for the
Performing Arts, where the debate was held, went ballistic at my
having asked that question. There were catcalls of "pathetic"
and "pitiful question" from the audience.
A week after the debate, I received
the following email, which is quoted here in its entirety except for
the author's name.
Mr Goldman:
A week ago tonight you participated
in the debate at Brevard College. I wanted to think things over
before commenting on your first question (as well as the first
question of the debate) concerning Rush Limbaugh asking the
candidates about the need to apologize for his comments reference the
agenda-driven Ms Fluke. These are just my thoughts on this portion of
the debate.
First of all, your question was as
unctuous as any I've heard from David Gregory or Bob Schieffer. If
your intent was to emulate them then you succeeded. I am ashamed
that, other than Jeff Hunt, who gave a halfway decent response, none
of them took your obnoxious question and put it back on you.
Limbaugh had already apologized so
the civil discourse Obama claimed to desire last year after the
Arizona shooting was honored, at least by Limbaugh. What goes
unchallenged is the unending attack by the likes of Bill Maher, David
Letterman, Ed Schultz et al on any and all republican/conservative
candidates. Our women especially, are the targets of comments far
exceeding the bounds of decency or anything Limbaugh said.
The hypocritical, faux-indignation
as demonstrated by you and other leftists does not go unnoticed and
the righteousness you are trying to convey only succeeds in coming
across as the SELF-righteous propaganda you are really aiming for.
May my beloved country and culture
I was born to, continue in spite of the efforts of you and your fifth
column compatriots in attempting to extinguish it.
Brevard, NC
This venomous email isn't worthy of
reprinting here except for the fact that it so disgustingly shines a
bright light on the unthinking extremism that has taken root in and
paralyzed both political parties.
Now the individual who sent me this
email has a right to whatever political views he wishes. But that
said, the views expressed are factually in error, incoherently
expressed, extremist in nature and imbedded in concrete. It reminded
me of Ben Franklin's comment that whatever is begun in anger ends in
If CAPAU stands for anything, it
stands for replacing incumbents of both parties who too frequently
manipulate to their own advantage those who bay at the moon and are
utterly clueless to the fact that they are but pawns in the hands of
self-serving elected officials.
Please Visit: Mike Tower Political Opinions
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