Electing a president-by-default
By LeRoy Goldman
Times-News Online
Published: Sunday, August 21, 2016
you hear the fat lady singing? I can. It’s all
over for The Donald.
course, I may be dead wrong. And, if so, I’ll have a lot of
deserved egg on my face. But for what it’s worth, here’s my
thinking on why I believe the race for the White House is over before
it has been seriously engaged, before any debates between Trump and
Hillary Clinton, and before the expenditure of north of a billion
dollars on television advertising and the get-out-the-vote ground
games by the two campaigns.
most Americans don’t usually begin to pay serious attention to the
presidential election until after Labor Day. By then, the 2016
Olympics will be history, family vacations are over, and the kids are
back in school.
faceoff between Trump and Clinton breaks the mold in so many
unprecedented ways that it renders conventional analysis almost
useless. Let’s count the ways, saving the coup de grace for Trump’s
ill-fated candidacy for last.
openers, Trump is no Republican. In a CNN interview in 2015, he said,
“I probably identify more as a Democrat.” And Trump has put his
money where his mouth has been. He has contributed between
$100,000-$250,000 to the Clinton Foundation, and he contributed to
Clinton’s political campaigns in 2002, 2005, 2006 and 2007. At that
time, he described Clinton as a “terrific woman” and went on to
say, “I think Hillary would do a good job.”
over the course of the past year, Trump has hijacked the Republican
Party and become its presidential nominee. Understanding how and why
are vital. The GOP has come apart at the seams. Its elected leaders
and apparatchiks in Washington are despised by millions of
rank-and-file Republicans.
for good reason. In their arrogance, they have deluded themselves
with the notion that they can do as they please, while thumbing their
noses at those who sent them to Washington. Trump presented the GOP
rank and file with an opportunity to vent their anger at their
leadership by voting for him. And that’s just what they did.
best way to grasp the gravity of the crisis facing the GOP is to
understand that if the Republican Party had nominated Jeb Bush, Mitt
Romney, Marco Rubio, John Kasich or Paul Ryan this year, they would
have recaptured the White House this November. Any of those
individuals would have painted an untrustworthy Clinton into a corner
from which there would have been no escape.
had Trump not won the nomination, it is clear that the GOP would have
nominated Ted Cruz. Against Clinton, he would have flamed out more
spectacularly than will Trump. Let that bizarre reality sink it.
the campaign trail, Trump has been nothing short of unhinged. Over
the course of the past year, he has gone out of his way to
deliberately and deeply offend women, Hispanics, Muslims and
African-Americans. In addition to being morally reprehensible, such a
strategy is politically suicidal.
white vote in presidential elections has been declining since 1992.
Then it was 87 percent. In 2012, it had plummeted to 72 percent, and
this year it’s projected to be 70 percent. Moreover, the Hispanic
population in America is growing rapidly because it is younger than
the white population. The GOP can’t survive if it permanently
alienates Hispanics, which is exactly what it is doing.
two weeks ago, a group of 50 former national security officials who
served Republican presidents co-signed an open letter saying Trump is
unfit to have control of the nation’s nuclear arsenal. They stated
that “we are convinced that he would be a dangerous president and
would put at risk our country’s national security and well-being.”
They also stated, “Most fundamentally, Mr. Trump lacks the
character, values, and experience to be president.” This from
President Dwight Eisenhower was elected in 1952, six presidential
elections have been blowouts: Adlai Stevenson was the sacrificial
lamb in 1952 and 1956, Barry Goldwater in 1964, George McGovern in
1972, Walter Mondale in 1984, and Michael Dukakis in 1988. Each only
received between 37 percent and 45 percent of the popular vote. The
Electoral College results were even worse for all of them. And,
unlike Trump, all of them were considered qualified to be president.
a normal presidential election, each side attempts to demonize the
other in the minds of the voters. This one’s not normal. It’s
nuts. Trump has systematically demonized himself in the eyes of the
voters. He’s half narcissist and half masochist. He will be
demolished on Nov. 8.
that will leave us with a president-by-default who in very different
ways is also unfit to lead the nation. Hopefully, the fat lady will
return for an encore performance in four years.
Goldman is a Flat Rock resident. He can be reached at:
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