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Sunday, November 20, 2016


LeRoy Goldman
Asheville Citizen - Times
November 20, 2016


The most important question facing President Trump is whether he has the vision and the courage to serve as President of all Americans, or whether he will take the path of both of his immediate predecessors and serve only the half of America that elected him. That choice is monumentally difficult because the nation is terribly and evenly polarized. You only have to look at the riots in Oregon and elsewhere to witness the fear, anger, and dismay of those who won't accept the result of a free election that they did not see coming and lost.

It's also the case that what Trump chooses to do right out of the gate will set the tone for all that comes after. If he's going to go big, he's got to start big. And nothing is bigger than wither Obamacare.

President Obama chose unwisely at the outset of his Administration to embark upon healthcare reform the way he did. In fashioning Obamacare he and the Democrats on the Hill were naïve and unwise in both what they did and how they did it. Their tunnel vision cost them the House in 2010 and the Senate in 2014. Obamacare has torn the nation in half. On November 8th Its chickens came home to roost on the White House.

The Obama Administration's assumptions about its costs and who would enroll in Obamacare have been wildly wrong. It's named the Affordable Care Act, and it isn't. Today it teeters on the brink of collapse as premiums skyrocket and insurance companies flee its marketplace.

The Republicans for their part have been just as unwise and bullheaded. The House has voted symbolically 50-60 times to repeal it, all to no avail. The Senate used the arcane Budget Reconciliation procedure to get a bill repealing it on Obama's desk that they knew he would successfully veto.

And now, with the election of Donald Trump most Republicans are licking their chops. What too many of them want is revenge, a bonfire that burns Obamacare and hangs Obama in effigy. If Trump buys into that mean spirited strategy, he will sacrifice his chance to be a transformational president. Instead he must chart a different and better course.

What is to be done? Here are the essential elements of a bipartisan solution: Terminate the Obamacare mandate that forces Americans to enroll in it. Terminate the program's tax penalties. Abolish the crumbling Obamacare exchanges. Authorize insurance companies to sell policies across state lines. Expand Health Savings Accounts. Enact tort reform. Preserve the option of allowing young people up to age 26 to remain on their parent's policies. Preserve the requirement that insurance companies not deny coverage to people with preexisting conditions. And deem eligible for Medicaid anyone now covered under Obamacare who chooses to enroll in it if they can not otherwise find or afford coverage in the private marketplace. That will hold harmless the 21 million people now covered by Obamacare.

After developing the broad outlines of this plan, President Trump needs to explain it to the nation in a prime time address, and then take about 20 key members of Congress to Camp David, including House Speaker Ryan and Minority Leader Pelosi, Senate Leader McConnell and Minority Leader Schumer plus the Chairmen and Ranking Minority members of the 4-5 Congressional committees that handle health care, including also the Appropriations Committee leaders. He needs to present his plan to them, say he's open to improving it, say he wants the final product to be a broad bipartisan accord, and say that the helicopters back to the Hill will not be available until they agree.

If he does that, a new day dawns in Washington, one that is long overdue, and one that will be welcomed by the vast majority of the American people.

LeRoy Goldman lives in Flat Rock and can be reached at:

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